- 1979 – Nebraska Legislature passed legislation decriminalizing public intoxication
- 1980-1982
- After the decriminalization of public intoxication, the Civil Protective Custody program was operated by the city/county
- 1984
- Cornhusker Place was granted nonprofit status and began operating Civil Protective Custody independently from the city and county
- Started long-term treatment program for men
- 1985
- Moved to current location
- 2002
- Started substance use respite program
- 2003
- Started short-term treatment program
- 2009
- Rebranded to The Bridge at Cornhusker Place
- 2011
- Achieved Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) certification
- 2012
- Started 1st Annual Fundraising event (Tailgate Safe)
- 2014
- Rebranded to The Bridge Behavioral Health
- 2015-16
- Began a $1.5 Million Capital Campaign to fund a $3 Million remodel of the entire building
- 2021
- Started medically-monitored inpatient withdrawal
- 2022
- Started outpatient services
- Closed Civil Protective Custody